If you have sciatica, the condition can limit your mobility and significantly affect your quality of life. At Beaumont Chiropractic in Beaumont, TX, we provide non-invasive treatments to alleviate any discomfort and improve your well-being. Before scheduling your appointment, learn about five common symptoms of sciatica below:

Lower Back Pain

Lower back pain is a common symptom of sciatica, as the sciatic nerve originates in the lower spine. This pain often radiates from the lower back down through the hips and into the legs. The discomfort can range from a mild ache to a sharp, burning sensation, and may include shooting pains that worsen with movements like bending, twisting, or prolonged sitting.

Leg Pain or Numbness

In addition to lower back pain, people with sciatica often experience leg pain. While the pain usually occurs on one side of the body, it can develop on both sides. These symptoms can also be accompanied by tingling, weakness, or numbness.

Difficulty Sitting

Sitting for extended periods can worsen sciatica pain since it puts more pressure on the buttocks and lower back. If you have sciatica, you might notice that working at a desk, driving long distances, and sitting through movies or flights is painful. Standing up and walking around can provide relief.

Hip Pain

Some people with the condition may experience hip pain, as the sciatic nerve passes through the hip area. This pain can be sharp or throbbing and may radiate from the lower back into the hip and down the leg. Sciatic hip pain often become worse with activities like sitting, standing, or walking, as these movements can put additional pressure on the nerve.

Foot or Ankle Weakness

The sciatic nerve runs through the back of your leg and into the foot. So, in some cases, sciatica can lead to weakness or numbness in the foot or ankle. You may have trouble lifting your foot at the ankle or difficulty walking on your heels or toes.

Contact Us for Treatment Today

If you need sciatica treatment, let our team at Beaumont Chiropractic in Beaumont, TX, help. Dr. Phillip LeBlanc DC will discuss your symptoms with you and identify what is causing your discomfort. After, we will develop a treatment plan for your unique needs. To learn more about our techniques or to schedule an appointment, call us at (409) 833-3080 today. When you need a chiropractor near you, we are ready to assist!